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Nationwide approach to boost knowledge of biodiversity in the Netherlands

Biodiversity loss is one of the most important threats to mankind and is having an increasing economic and social impact. Activities aimed at restoration do not always work. That’s because in nature everything is connected. Nature does not stop where our research ends. 


We are still far from knowing everything about biodiversity in the Netherlands. And the knowledge we have is fragmented. Effective management and restoration of biodiversity requires a more fundamental knowledge of biodiversity and the ecology behind it. That’s why we’re initiating a national approach to biodiversity. 

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"This cooperation, of course also with universities and other knowledge institutions, makes it possible to do much better fundamental and applied research."

- Edwin van Huis, general director Naturalis Biodiversity Center

We are


Naturalis Biodiversity Center, the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW), the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ-NWO) and Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute-KNAW have launched BiodiversityXL, the Centre of Excellence for Netherlands Biodiversity Research. Of course, Dutch universities are very much involved.

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NIOZ_Spartina patches Hellegat marsh - J

“Integrated knowledge will enable us to achieve the objectives of the Delta Plan for Biodiversity Recovery, the North Sea consultations and other societal green agendas at an earlier stage."

- Henk Brinkhuis, director of NIOZ


Connecting the research on biodiversity in

the Netherlands

The Netherlands is an international leader in many of the biological disciplines in the field of biodiversity. However, connections between knowledge on different levels are sometimes missing: between macro- and microbiological diversity, for example. It is also important to gain more insight into the ways in which species react to each other when biodiversity de- or increases. 


We want to integrate knowledge about our soil, fresh and salt water and our air and combine scientific research more intensively. We make our research integrally available. 

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“Although invisible to the naked eye, microfungi touch every aspect of our daily lives. This new collaboration enables us to more effectively study, preserve and apply fungi to improve quality of life.”

- Pedro Crous, director Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute



Naturalis Biodiversity Center, the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW), the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ-NWO) and Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute-KNAW have launched BiodiversityXL, the Centre of Excellence for Netherlands Biodiversity Research. Of course, the universities are very much involved.

We’re keen to expand this initiative. Does our mission resonate with you and can you contribute? 

If so, please contact us and send us your details.

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"The challenges are clear. Think of the relationship between biodiversity and climate change, land and water use, nitrogen and environmental pollutants."

- Geert de Snoo, director NIOO


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"The call for sustainability and biodiversity from society and business has never been this strong. Our Dutch scientists are ready to provide evidence-based solutions and long-term innovation."

- Maaike van de Kamp, Quartermaster BiodiversityXL

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